University News



The Kenyatta University Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment through a collaboration with the University of Warwick UK, has developed a Mobile app that will enhance reporting on sexual and gender-based violence. As part of the collaboration, KU team extended training to Mama Ngina University College staff on Friday 19th July 2024. The team in their presentation explained different forms of gender-based violence and their classification. The team further introduced the MNUC team to the Mobile Reporting Application for gender-based violence requesting proposals for improvement. This was definitely a great opportunity for the MNUC gender mainstreaming committee to contribute to [...]


Muhoho Secondary School Education Day Celebration


This past weekend, Mama Ngina University College was represented during the Muhoho High School class 2023 education day. The school community came together to celebrate the excellent results posted by the 2023 class and to pray for the candidates of 2024 as they prepare for their upcoming national examinations. In a significant gesture, the guest speaker Prof. Zipporah Nganga, represented by Ms. Josephine Nkangi, celebrated the school's improved KCSE results and emphasized the importance of education, acknowledging the crucial roles of students, parents, and teachers in this achievement. The speech was concluded with congratulations to the Class of 2023 and well [...]

Muhoho Secondary School Education Day Celebration2024-07-22T09:32:12+00:00

KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Exhibition at MNUC

2024-07-25T12:39:15+00:00 Mama Ngina University College hosted a major twin-event at the University College's premises on 17th July 2024. Three Universities in the Nairobi Metropolitan pitched great digital solutions birthed during a Rapid Tech Skills Program funded by World Bank in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade Investments, State Department of Industry. The event also looped in experts from industry who unpacked the challenges and opportunities around innovation amongst faculty, students and industry. Over hundred beneficiaries of the program who will be graduating next month showcased cutting edge digital solutions built with the support of facilitators drawn from the three Universities (Mama [...]

KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Exhibition at MNUC2024-07-25T12:39:15+00:00

Kenya Education Management Information System (KEMIS) Workshop


Mama Ngina University College (MNUC) was represented at the Kenya Education Management Information System (KEMIS) Workshop by Mr. Isaac Kuria, the Head of ICT. The Ministry of Education through the Ministry of ICT is set to streamline and centralize data across all levels of the education system.  KEMIS, will serve as a single source of truth and a one-stop shop for all information about learners and other critical aspects of education. The system will guarantee access to accurate data for planning and strategic decision-making on various aspects of education. The system will also harmonise the management of data on education from [...]

Kenya Education Management Information System (KEMIS) Workshop2024-07-18T16:27:28+00:00



MNUC appreciates the critical role its staff plays in realizing strategic goals and mandate through various means. As such, the University is keen on promoting work-life balance to ensure the holistic well-being of its staff. On Friday, 28th June 2024, the University College, in collaboration with ICEA Lion, organized a walk themed ‘Walking the Talk.’ The walk focused on creating awareness on the importance of well-being in all aspects of life. While flagging off the walk, the University College Principal, Prof. Zipporah Ng’ang’a, underscored the importance of physical, social, psychological, economic, and emotional well-being, among others. She reiterated that well-being is [...]

HUMAN RESOURCE HEALTH WALK 28 TH JUNE 20242024-07-04T11:00:17+00:00

Customer Service Sensitization and a Staff Appreciation Forum.


MNUC Compliments and Complaints Committee closed the 2023-2024 financial year with a Customer Service Sensitization and a Staff Appreciation forum. Staff members from key offices offered insight to others on their processes and services offered and ways in which we could all play a part in enriching the experience of all our customers. The MNUC management was present, represented by Dr. Benson Mburu, Registrar (ASA) and Mr. Ignatius Gichia, Human Resource Officer who encouraged staff to remain diligent in their service delivery at all times.

Customer Service Sensitization and a Staff Appreciation Forum.2024-06-27T17:47:19+00:00

MNUC Student at a Mental Health Event in Thika

2024-06-27T10:47:48+00:00 Obadia Kiplagat a student from Mama Ngina University College joined other students from various universities in a Mental Health Event in Thika. The event was organized by a  health organization named KIMBILIO.

MNUC Student at a Mental Health Event in Thika2024-06-27T10:47:48+00:00

School Of Health Outreach Programme


Mama Ngina University College endevours to promote the health and well being of the local community. MNUC in partnership with Gatundu Level 5 Hospital organized a school health outreach activity at the Mutomo Primary School on 18 th June 2024. Led by the Dean School of Health Sciences Dr. Ruth Mbugua and the Sub-county Community Health Strategy Focal Person Mr. Joseph Kimani, the faculty from the School of Health Sciences held health education sessions with the Early Childhood & Development, Primary, and Junior Secondary School learners. This included health talks on General Hygiene, Oral Hygiene, Menstrual Hygiene, Sexual and Reproductive Health. [...]

School Of Health Outreach Programme2024-06-25T13:22:55+00:00

Commemoration of International Day of the African Child


University Management, Student Mentors from Mama Ngina University College and Kenyatta University IEEE Members University College Management, School Mentorship Heads, Lead Mentors and Partners IDAC Courtesy Call to the Principal MNUC IDAC Morning Programme - School Mentorship Activity Established in 1991 by African Union, the International Day of the African Child has been observed annually on June 16. The event honors African children who lost their lives or were injured while advocating for the right to quality education and learning in their native languages, in 1976 Soweto uprising in South Africa. The day also reminds [...]

Commemoration of International Day of the African Child2024-07-08T14:05:09+00:00

Innovators Sprint Up Programme & Digital Skills Training twin programme .


Our School of Pure and Applied Sciences was represented by Dr. Cyprian Ratemo in a forum with other key stakeholders for the regional launch of the Innovators Sprint Up Programme & Digital Skills Training twin programme . The programs seek to empower the next generation of innovators and equip them with the skills to thrive in the digital age. The various stakeholders involved in the project were present including University Council of East Africa among others.

Innovators Sprint Up Programme & Digital Skills Training twin programme .2024-06-21T05:14:31+00:00

Stage 1 Audit by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)


Mama Ngina University College recently underwent a stage 1 audit by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and was recommended for stage 2 audit, in the achievement of ISO 9001: 2015 certification. The University College is highly committed to providing quality and relevant education, training, research, and outreach. This shall be achieved through transformative teaching, carrying out cutting edge research and community engagement for effective service. The Management has established measurable quality objectives and shall continually monitor them. This will ensure compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and continual improvement by implementing a quality management system in line with ISO [...]

Stage 1 Audit by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)2024-06-21T13:22:12+00:00

Enabling Industrialization through Open Innovation


The MNUC School of Pure and Applied Sciences, represented by Dr. Ratemo Makiya and Elijah Maseno joined fellow Academia, industry players and the Kenyan innovation ecosystem actors yesterday to deliberate on issues around Enabling Industrialization through Open Innovation at Radisson Blu Hotel - Nairobi. The event was part of the ongoing Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project (KIEP) being implemented by the Ministry of Investments, Trade & Industry, Kenya-State Department for Industry (MITI-SDI) and supported by the World Bank. The Project objective is to increase innovation and productivity in select private sector firms in line with Kenya’s Vision 2030. Others in attendance [...]

Enabling Industrialization through Open Innovation2024-06-07T13:09:29+00:00

MNUC hosted Elke Roels and Bart Vochten from the Karel De Grote (KdG) University in Antwerp – Belgium.


Mama Ngina University College hosted Elke Roels and Bart Vochten from the Karel De Grote (KdG) University in Antwerp - Belgium. The two guests are members of faculty and program leaders in the area of Computer Science/Information Technology in the Department of IT and Management. Our Principal (Prof. Zipporah Ng'ang'a) emphasised the value of collaborations and cited the immense mutual gains that can emerge from the envisioned collaboration between KdG and MNUC. The KdG team held discussions with our team by the Deputy Principal Professor Sakwa, accompanied by Deans of Schools and other relevant internal stakeholders, in a bid to explore [...]

MNUC hosted Elke Roels and Bart Vochten from the Karel De Grote (KdG) University in Antwerp – Belgium.2024-05-30T15:18:50+00:00

Commercializing Research.


Dr Ratemo Makiya accompanied by Elijah Maseno from the School of Pure and Applied Sciences - Mama Ngina University College represented academia in a panel discussion on commercializing research. The event took place at Riara University and was opened by Prof. Robert Gateru who is the Vice Chancellor of the host University. The event was organized by iHub and sought to provide a platform to discuss strategies for effectively translating academic research into tangible commercial ventures, fostering collaboration between academia and industry, and maximizing the societal impact of research outcomes.

Commercializing Research.2024-05-30T15:11:12+00:00

SAMNUC SGC Representatives with HSA & O in a Workshop


The SAMNUC SGC Representative accompanied by the Head of Student Affairs & Outreach Ms. Josephine Nkangi are participating in a Workshop organised by The Ministry of Education under the State Department of Higher Education and Research to evaluate the New Funding Model at Lake Naivasha Resort. Our SGC is actively involved in this workshop and representing the interest of the whole student populace. We wish to thank the University College Management for facilitating the team.

SAMNUC SGC Representatives with HSA & O in a Workshop2024-05-24T07:36:43+00:00

Bachelor of Science Nursing Students Commence their Clinical Rotations


The School of Health Sciences is proud to announce a significant milestone for the First year BSc. Nursing students. The students have undergone a rigorous training in the state of the art nursing skills laboratory and have been adequately prepared to commence their clinical rotations in various hospitals after completing their OSCE examinations. The clinical rotations will provide the students an opportunity to acquire hands on experience and acquire various competencies in nursing practice. The students will be guided by experienced clinicians and faculty from the school to enhance their skills in nursing practice.

Bachelor of Science Nursing Students Commence their Clinical Rotations2024-05-22T06:52:26+00:00

Great Tech Innovation Presentations by KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program Students


The funded KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program has significantly impacted the first cohort of beneficiaries who today presented their great tech innovations. The diverse solutions presented by the scholars undertaking their training at Mama Ngina University College were exciting and stand to significantly influence how certain things are done in society going forward. Mama Ngina University College is among eight universities across Kenya implementing the KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Development Program funded by the World Bank. The program seeks to retool two hundred and sixty seven (267) techies selected across the country and will equip them with critical ICT skills for [...]

Great Tech Innovation Presentations by KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program Students2024-05-16T16:33:28+00:00



Dr. Ruth Mbugua the Ag. Dean and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at Mama Ngina University College attended a critical United Nations Civil Society Conference on 9-10 May 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. As a delegate for Global Health she seized the opportunity to advocate for the health systems strengthening and Universal Health Coverage and inclusion of a more comprehensive approach to addressing Sexual Reproductive Health issues. The conference gave an opportunity to civil society organizations and partners to feed into the Summit of the future. The Summit of the Future will bring [...]


Visit by Prof. Michael Dooms of the University of Brussels


Mama Ngina University College on 10th May 2024 hosted a special guest who is a globally recognized scholar and consultant. Prof. Michael Dooms of the University of Brussels visited to initiate possible collaboration between Mama Ngina University College and the University of Brussels in the various areas of research, teaching and community service. The visit included a courtesy call on the Principal (represented by the Deputy Principal) followed by a deep scholarly engagement with academic staff and other staff present. The staff were led by Dr Ratemo Makiya Cyprian who is shepherding the collaboration. A tree was planted by the guest [...]

Visit by Prof. Michael Dooms of the University of Brussels2024-05-10T14:39:35+00:00

CBC Awareness Training, 6th May 2024


Mama Ngina University College is committed to empower the staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively embrace the on-going education reforms. MNUC in its preparedness towards implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) held a sensitization workshop on Monday 6 th May, 2024 to create awareness on CBC among staff. Dr. Lydia Mucheru from Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development sensitized the staff on the Curriculum reforms in education in Kenya.

CBC Awareness Training, 6th May 20242024-05-08T11:34:46+00:00

Visit to the African Agribusiness Incubators Network in Kampala-Uganda


Dr. Ratemo Makiya who is in charge of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences at Mama Ngina University College has just concluded a visit to the African Agribusiness Incubators Network (AAIN) in Kampala-Uganda on a promising note. The visit sought to strengthen ties established by Dr. Ratemo during recent multinational workshops on Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa held in Kampala-Uganda and in the Republic of Ireland. Dr. Ratemo participated in the two workshops under the sponsorship of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) and SFSI (Sustainable Food Systems Ireland). Today's visit explored emerging areas for collaboration between Mama Ngina University [...]

Visit to the African Agribusiness Incubators Network in Kampala-Uganda2024-06-03T08:06:33+00:00



MNUC, led by the Principal Prof. Zipporah Ng’ang’a, conducted its 3rd annual tree planting at Theta Dam in Kinale Forest with the support of the Gatundu Water and Sanitation Company on Friday 26 th April, 2024. The University College was able to plant a total of 3,000 seedlings, donated by Equity Bank (Gatundu Branch), in the area surrounding the dam.


Accreditation of MNUC as a TVET Center


Officials from the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) visited MNUC for an inspection tour as the University College looks forward to be accredited to offer Diploma and Certificates as a TVET centre. Chaired by the Principal, Prof. Zipporah Ng’ang’a, the meeting delved on fine –tuning key areas of focus that will fast –track the launch of the TVET Directorate ensuring it meets  TVETA regulatory standards. MNUC TVET Directorate will start Diploma/Certificate programmes on Accounting, Business Management, Human Resource Management, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, Information Science, Marketing Management, Record management once accredited by TVETA.  

Accreditation of MNUC as a TVET Center2024-04-11T13:06:29+00:00

KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program Students Orientation at MNUC


The Principal of Mama Ngina University College, Prof. Zipporah Ng'ang'a addressed the first cohort of the KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program and officially welcomed them to the institution. The Principal congratulated the KIEP-SKIES scholars for securing the scholarships among the thousands that were also interested, but were not fortunate. The Principal encouraged the students to exploit the institution's facilities and other resources at their disposal, to advance their training objectives especially the library and computer laboratories. The Principal also emphasised that the institution has high quality of standards that will be strictly applied in the delivery of the program to guarantee [...]

KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills Program Students Orientation at MNUC2024-04-10T06:54:35+00:00

Science Technology & Innovation (SIT) Workshop at MNUC


MNUC held an STI workshop on Friday 15th March, 2024. The theme of the workshop was “Strengthening Innovation Through Research Collaborations.” Additionally, staff were sensitized on the “Policy on Motivating Staff to Conduct Research” by the Chairperson of the STI Committee Prof. Thomas Sakwa. The topics covered included Enhancing Innovation through Development of strategic partnerships and collaborations by Prof. Maina Mwangi -Director of Innovation, Incubation & University Industry Linkages, Kenyatta University, Intellectual Property Rights and Privileges by Ms Wahome Wangechi Founder Anza Village and Intellectual Property Rights Management: Enhancing value, leveraging on potential by David Cheboryot East Africa Manager, E4Impact Foundation.

Science Technology & Innovation (SIT) Workshop at MNUC2024-04-08T14:09:17+00:00

Mama Ngina University set for expansion as State promises to compensate land owners


From left: Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe, Mama Ngina University College Principal Prof Zipporah Ng'ang'a and other varsity officials at the institution in Mutomo village, Gatundu South. Mutomo residents in Gatundu South who ceded their land parcels for expansion of Mama Ngina University College can now heave a sigh of relief after the Government indicated that they’ll receive KSh2.12 billion compensation. Expansion of the institution has been delayed for close to two years due to delays in compensating the land owners. The Government through the Ministry of Education (MoE) acquired some 40 acres of the adjacent land for expanding the university, [...]

Mama Ngina University set for expansion as State promises to compensate land owners2024-04-05T07:16:48+00:00

MNUC ISO 2015 Certification


MNUC continues to establish a Quality Management System for effective and efficient service delivery, continuous improvement, as well as achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification. Today the University College held a Top Management briefing session led by our Principal Prof Zipporah Ng’ang’a, and facilitated by the ISO consultant Mr. C.K Mwangi.  

MNUC ISO 2015 Certification2024-04-05T09:14:47+00:00

The KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills


The KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills for the 2024 Cohort commenced today at Mama Ngina University College. The program is funded by World Bank in collaboration with the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry (MITI),  State Department for Industry (STI). The placed students who are benefiting from the World Bank grant were inducted by facilitators from the School of Pure and Applied Sciences led by Dr Ratemo Makiya who is the a PI and technical lead of the implementing unit of the project. The excited beneficiaries of the 2024 cohort were taken around to appreciate the resources at their disposal to undertake [...]

The KIEP-SKIES Rapid Tech Skills2024-04-02T13:54:28+00:00



Mama Ngina University College today hosted two Belgium-based experts in business intelligence and cybersecurity (Inas Djelloul - Project Lead and Patrick Nenezic - SECUTEC company representative). The team drawn from VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel , met with undergraduate students of the School of Computing and Informatics to give global insights around cyber security tools and critical soft skills needed in today's world. The team also had a courtesy call with the Principal - Prof. Zipporah Ng'ang'a who emphasised the value of collaboration and promised maximum support to foster MOUs and MOAs for joint research and exchange programs among others. #MNUC2024 [...]

MNUC COLLABORATION2024-03-29T05:02:49+00:00

Business Process Re- Engineering Training


The Ministry of Public Service and Delivery Management conducted a training at MNUC on Wednesday 27th March, 2024 with the University College’s Digitalization Committee. The training centered on Business Process Re- Engineering was facilitated by officials from the Ministry; Ms. Betty Soita: Secretary, Public Service Transformation and Ms. Christine Kaari, Programme Officer.

Business Process Re- Engineering Training2024-03-28T06:35:28+00:00
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