Mama Ngina University College hosted Dr. Stefanie Harsch from Freiburg University, Germany. The School of Health Sciences faculty led by the Dean School of Health Sciences, Dr. Ruth Mbugua met with Dr. Harsch in a bid to explore the areas of collaboration with the school to include student exchange, staff exchange, collaborative research, joint workshops/conferences, joint teaching among others.
Dr. Harsch is the Principal Investigator for the collaborative ‘CaLioS’ research project by the German Alliance of Global Health Research and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education. The project explores the Cancer Health Literacy (CHL) in Kenya through the use of the narratives, and a website ‘Maisha Na Cancer’ that features stories of cancer survivors. Other collaborators include Dr. Ruth Mbugua MNUC and Dr. Victor Oria, Integrated Cancer Research Foundation of Kenya (local Principal Investigator).
During her visit at MNUC, Dr. Harsch additionally conducted Focus Group Discussions among the third year BSc. Nursing students who have been engaged in the research project as participants of the feasibility study. The team also had a courtesy call with the Principal – Prof. Zipporah Ng’ang’a who emphasized on the value of the collaboration to both staff and students. She highlighted on the institutions commitment towards fostering collaborations highlighting on the mutual gains that emerge from such partnership.