Dr. Ruth Mbugua the Ag. Dean and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at Mama Ngina University College attended a critical United Nations Civil Society Conference on 9-10
May 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. As a delegate for Global Health she seized the opportunity to advocate for the health systems strengthening and
Universal Health Coverage and inclusion of a more comprehensive approach to addressing Sexual Reproductive Health issues. The conference gave an opportunity to civil society organizations and partners to feed into the Summit of the future. The Summit of the Future will bring world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how to deliver a better
present and safeguard the future. This high-level United Nations event will take place during the United Nations General Assembly on September 22-23, involving all member states to set the
dynamics for getting the SDGs back on track by the end date of 2030, while also responding to new global opportunities and challenges.