Mama Ngina University College hosted a major twin-event at the University College’s premises on 17th July 2024. Three Universities in the Nairobi Metropolitan pitched great digital solutions birthed during a Rapid Tech Skills Program funded by World Bank in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade Investments, State Department of Industry. The event also looped in experts from industry who unpacked the challenges and opportunities around innovation amongst faculty, students and industry.
Over hundred beneficiaries of the program who will be graduating next month showcased cutting edge digital solutions built with the support of facilitators drawn from the three Universities (Mama Ngina University College, Kenyatta University and Jomo Kenyatta University – JKUAT.
The diverse solutions presented by the KIEP-SKIES scholars stand to significantly influence how certain things are done going forward.The program has retooled over two hundred and fifty (250+) young people selected across the country for the fast evolving job market.
The areas of focus in program include Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Data Science and Critical Soft Skills.