MNUC appreciates the critical role its staff plays in realizing strategic goals and mandate through various means. As such, the University is keen on promoting work-life balance to ensure the holistic well-being of its staff. On Friday, 28th June 2024, the University College, in collaboration with ICEA Lion, organized a walk themed ‘Walking the Talk.’ The walk focused on creating awareness on the importance of well-being in all aspects of life.
While flagging off the walk, the University College Principal, Prof. Zipporah Ng’ang’a, underscored the importance of physical, social, psychological, economic, and emotional well-being, among others. She reiterated that well-being is essential for a productive and fulfilling life, and the University is committed to supporting its staff in achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Staff were later taken through training on financial literacy and pension management by a team from ICEA Lions lead by Messrs. Kenneth Muchiri and Wachira Nyamu.