In the event of an emergency, the campus community will be notified through a variety of mechanisms including the web, email and voicemail. The University College will broadcast an alert and direct users to an emergency unit outlining the College’s response. There will also be messages on the University’s 24-hour news line.
Emergency Hotline
Phone: +254 741 016 799
Security Hotline
Phone: +254 741 016 799
COVID Helpline
Phone: +254 741 016 799

Complaints Handling Reporting Mechanism
A student, staff, or external stakeholder may lodge a complaint through a telephone call, personal visit, a letter, email, short messages service (SMS), suggestion box and complaints form in the various relevant offices in the University College. In the case of an informal complaint, immediate feedback is given to the client. In the case of a formal complaint, the client will receive an acknowledgment in 24 hours and feedback in 14days from the Complaints and Compliments Committee. The mandate of the committee is to process, review the evidence, investigate, resolve and give feedback to the complainant. A follow-up will be made to ensure that the complainant is satisfied with the resolution.
Physical location: Administration Building room 207 Phone: +254 798 352 450 E-mail:
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